Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Kickstarter - The Story of Flewn

     This kickstarter idea follows one man's idea to create an animation project called "The Story of Flewn". The story basically is about an old whale who is crossing the continent on stilts trying to find a new ocean for himself. Not only for himself, but also for the sea creatures which he carries on his back. Along the way, he meets a frog on a unicycopter and a rabbit that has wings. The characters must then find a new ocean together, and face the reason why their world is falling apart.

     When I first caught eye of this project, I was immediately directed towards the eye-popping graphics and intense color that was used to make this. At first I thought it was a simple video (that of which I would definitely buy), but it turns out that it is composed of an interactive game and cinematic storytelling. It allows the user to become engulfed in the storyline, and play a part in it themselves. As stated before, I would want to purchase this creation, and since it supports an ipod, that may in fact happen. It is a little more than half-way funded and with close to a month left to raise money, I hope that the creator can raise the money needed. 

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