Monday, June 4, 2012

Apple - Last Day of Class

Today was the last time I would ever have this computer class, and I spent the time working on blending my apple. I am not done yet, but I'll do what I can to improve my overall grade in the class; by improving the curent grade for the apple. I am going to work on it after school today and tomorrow, and if it is possible then Wednesday too. I finally got rid of that black line so I could adjust the shape, and will work on adding a shadow before I go back to blending. 

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Today I found out that my six design projects were graded, and they helped balance the new grade I have for my unfinished apple. I decided that I am going to finish what I started, even though my overall grade for the class is right around where I want it to be. I just know that I can do better than a D,and I can pull that up by adding the blended colors, textures at different opacities, and an efficient shadow.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Apple Blending Spots

Today I came right into class and set out to finish the six design projects that I have spent time working on. I already had four completely done, I had one to finish one and had to redo one on account of brightness. I managed to finish all of them with all the sequence pictures in my off period. In my regular class, I worked on getting a rough draft speaking of blending. I think I made a lot of progress, even if I didn't focus on one spot. I also worked in open studio, even though my teacher had to go home a little earlier. As of now some spots look better than others and vice-versa, but I am confident that I will get this done. 

FINISHED; Design 6

Friday, May 25, 2012

FINISHED; Design 5

Design Corrections/KickStarter/Design Projects

Today was definitely a productive day, as I finished three additional design projects along with a quick kickstarter post. But I later had to add step-by-step pictures of the design so my teacher would know that I did it, and thankfully I had those in projects under a different name. A got a question answered for one project, so I might be on track to finish it. I think one might need to be repeated based on a lack of color, but that can be originated from the beginning step of two projects; one was complete while the other wasn't. They were both identical and asked me to insert clouds to the document, but mine were at a lighter display. Hopefully, I can figure out the problem soon, that way I can wrap up these six design projects.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Kickstarter - The Story of Flewn

     This kickstarter idea follows one man's idea to create an animation project called "The Story of Flewn". The story basically is about an old whale who is crossing the continent on stilts trying to find a new ocean for himself. Not only for himself, but also for the sea creatures which he carries on his back. Along the way, he meets a frog on a unicycopter and a rabbit that has wings. The characters must then find a new ocean together, and face the reason why their world is falling apart.

     When I first caught eye of this project, I was immediately directed towards the eye-popping graphics and intense color that was used to make this. At first I thought it was a simple video (that of which I would definitely buy), but it turns out that it is composed of an interactive game and cinematic storytelling. It allows the user to become engulfed in the storyline, and play a part in it themselves. As stated before, I would want to purchase this creation, and since it supports an ipod, that may in fact happen. It is a little more than half-way funded and with close to a month left to raise money, I hope that the creator can raise the money needed. 

FINISHED; Design 4

FINISHED; Design 3

FINISHED; Design 2

Monday, May 21, 2012

Six Technique Projects

Today I worked more on my blending, and started to get a good feel to it. I felt better as time went on, and got some well blended colors. But then I was assigned six individual projects that I want to get done before I go back to the apple. I started on one and encountered some difficulties, which hopefully I can overcome soon enough.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Apple Blending Begins

Today after working for a while, I decided that the black lines were colored over. With that said, I started my blending but it didn't go as well as I had hoped. I might have to review and practice blending in a separate project, and if I do find black lines at one point, I can delete them when I get to that part. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Apple Black Lines (Continued)

Today I attempted to try and fill in all of the black lines that I had left. I didn't get as much done as I would have liked, thanks in part to the shortened class period. My goal is to have all of the black covered by the end of this week, so I can spend my time on the blending.