Wednesday, December 14, 2011

New Assignment

Today, we had to start on another project, so I couldn't work on my light saber. I sort of got it, because it deals with the the three point lighting; key lighting, fill lighting, and back lighting. I understand them all and what they do, and after asking some questions, I can get it done as soon as possible.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Light Saber Almost Done

Today I got alot done, and I feel really good. I finished the handgrip, and now I just need the power cell and the rest of it. I might have to come in one day to get it done.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Light Saber

Today I got some more things done, and started to duplicate the sections of the hand grip. I hide a few items so I could focus better. I might need to come in on my off period, to get some more of it done.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Light Saber

Today, I got some more of my light saber done and it looks pretty good. I got stuck on a part, but then I fixed it. I am now on track to get this done soon.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Light Saber

Today I got to work some more after I spent most of the class swapping computers. I am started to get the hang of things now. I just hope I can stay on track, and get it done soon.