Monday, June 4, 2012

Apple - Last Day of Class

Today was the last time I would ever have this computer class, and I spent the time working on blending my apple. I am not done yet, but I'll do what I can to improve my overall grade in the class; by improving the curent grade for the apple. I am going to work on it after school today and tomorrow, and if it is possible then Wednesday too. I finally got rid of that black line so I could adjust the shape, and will work on adding a shadow before I go back to blending. 

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Today I found out that my six design projects were graded, and they helped balance the new grade I have for my unfinished apple. I decided that I am going to finish what I started, even though my overall grade for the class is right around where I want it to be. I just know that I can do better than a D,and I can pull that up by adding the blended colors, textures at different opacities, and an efficient shadow.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Apple Blending Spots

Today I came right into class and set out to finish the six design projects that I have spent time working on. I already had four completely done, I had one to finish one and had to redo one on account of brightness. I managed to finish all of them with all the sequence pictures in my off period. In my regular class, I worked on getting a rough draft speaking of blending. I think I made a lot of progress, even if I didn't focus on one spot. I also worked in open studio, even though my teacher had to go home a little earlier. As of now some spots look better than others and vice-versa, but I am confident that I will get this done. 

FINISHED; Design 6